My New Project: Heal Thyself


I recently downloaded the e-book "Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic" by Darren Main. I've become quite enthralled with it so far, especially since I've become a bit disillusioned with Yogis and several Rinpoches who claim to work towards the greater good but tend to charge exorbitant amounts for both their wisdom and their services.

This book was cheap, and better yet he offers free help on his website. This post and several following will involve reflecting on my practice and trying to get back into my fiero.

Daily Practice

Do you have a daily practice? What does it look like?

I have honestly slacked off quite a bit. I no longer have a daily practice. I'm trying to change that. I've been experimenting with podcasts but so far have not found one that meets my needs. There is nothing worse than a being a beginner and not being able to do 75% of the poses shown. It's frustrating. I do have my old standby, Rodney Yee though. Looks like I'll begin again with those DVDs tomorrow.

Where would you like to see your daily practice go?

I want my practice to be a normal routine again. I want to love Yoga like I used to. I WILL make time for it.

When you practice yoga on a given day, can you notice a difference in your quality of life?

I can remember how good I used to feel and how flexible I used to be. I miss that.

When you practice regularly, do you notice a difference in the quality of your reactions to people or events?

I am much calmer and more collected. I miss that. My goal is to get off Celexa completely, dump coffee, and drink tea.

How do you envision your practice in the future? Why not start today?

I did. The Yoga Journal Podcast frustrated me. Too complicated and I am no where near flexible enough to do any of the poses. I started off light too-tried the evening workout which was designed to calm down...sigh.

Do you consider yourself a “yogi”? Why or why not? Is your yoga practice spiritual, or is it physical?

I am not a yogi. Don't know if I want to be. I'm doing this to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

The idea is that now I should do a 20 minute workout every day for a week. This was day one. Wish me luck.

New Year, New Tea


Anandapur Tea Company
So as the new year begins so does the new attempt at being the perfect me. On a recent trip to Animal Kingdom I realized and embraced my affinity for loose tea. On a very cold day I enjoyed a very warm cup of Green Dragon Oolong. I sat on a nearby bench to sip and people watch. It was like a simultaneous meditation and realization. I was relaxed, and in no hurry. Sipping, smiling, stopping only to take random photos. Everyone within view were clamoring about aimlessly and angrily. Their schedules had been disrupted and dictated by events and situations contrary to their expectations. I used to be them.

I realized that the lack of expectation, the sipping of the tea, and the quiet meditation were the right combo for me. Coffee had been ,up until this time my beverage of choice. Gradually I came to notice that both the lack of, and the indulgence in this drink produced profound anxiety coupled with irritability.

I stopped into the Yak & Yeti gift shop, found a cast iron tea pot that seemed appealing, and purchased it for a fraction of the cost one would cost in the "real world."

I sit sipping a cup of Ayurvedic chai mixed with monkey picked oolong, two pugs by my side, and happiness in my heart.

Blue Buddha: The Lost Secret of Tibetan Medicine


New Massive Attack courtesy of NPR



Today was an experiment. Usually when the day starts out on a good note, it quickly changes. Granted that everything is an illusion and the only constant is change, it would still be agreeable to have a "good day" once in a while. I realized that since I am the one who decides whether or not my day was indeed good, that I could also determine that my day would be good. With that in mind, I was determined to make today a good day. I maintained my good mood, and to my surprise, the day went by faster, I was more amenable, and I got simple joy out of simple situations.

Tomorrow is a good day. I will get the same simple joy out of selecting a pair of socks, sing my way to work, and look at obstacles as a pleasant distraction.things change and that the only constant is change, and that samsara does exist, it would still be nice to have a good day.

I was determined to make today a good day. I maintained my good mood, and to my surprise, the day went by faster, I was more amenable, and I got simple joy out of simple situations.

Tomorrow is a good day. I will get the same simple joy out of selecting a pair of socks, sing my way to work, and look at obstacles as a pleasant distraction.

Insight from the Dalai Lama


Today's calendar page reads:

"Notice your attachments to food, clothes, and shelter and adapt monastic practices of contentment to a layperson's life. Be satisfied with adequate food, clothing, and shelter. Use the additional free time for meditation so that you can overcome more problems."

This is advice that I will be putting into practice at the next earliest opportunity. My mind has been a jumble of mixed thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Too many monkeys. I need to begin to silence them and make them content or every aspect of my life will start to blend as I begin to phantom walk through my waking hours.